Chelly Izraelov

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Hi, My Name is Chelly 👋

3 years ago, I fell in love with writing code.

At first, as in all things I like to do, it was very challenging, it was a new and fascinating world with endless knowledge.

Then I graduate from college course with a GPA of 97. At the same time I started giving short lectures about various tech-topics, and very quickly found a job as a Backend Software Developer.

I really loved this position;
it was fun and challenging at the same time.

But then, unfortunately, I had to leave work due to a temporary medical condition that did not allow me to work.

And now - after I've returned to stable health, stronger than ever, I'm ready to get back on track and I'm coming with endless passion!


I am looking for a company that feels like home yet has an ambitious environment, where I can contribute and execute my development skills and problem-solving capabilities.

I am a professional and passionate Software Developer, proficient with Java language and Spring Framework.
Have the interest and the ability to learn other coding languages and technologies as needed.

Consider myself to be a very determined and self-motivated individual with an outstanding ‘Can-Do’ Attitude.

Excellent communication skills, a team-player, and always seeking to assist in my environment.

I would be very glad to hear from you soon.

Thank you in advance,

My Motto

“I have never tried that before,
so I think I should definitely be able to do that”
Astrid Lindgren / Pippi Longstocking

My Hobbies

Learning New Things         Reading Books         Giving Lectures         Writing
Weight Training         Yoga         Meditation         Music
Family         Friends         Nature Hikes
Cocking         Baking
And More 😃

Contact Me

I will be glad to hear from you!